JournalTOCs – a convenient way to follow your favorite journals

I just came across JournalTOCs. It is a website for, and I am quoting, “anyone who’s looking for the latest or most current papers published in the scholarly literature with international coverage”. It is a free service with a very large searchable collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs). Continue reading “JournalTOCs – a convenient way to follow your favorite journals”

Sharing libraries in Zotero

A good reference management software can make the life of a researcher much easier. There are many different software available, including various free or open-source software applications. My favorite tool is Zotero, which is a Firefox extension for the collection, managing, citation and sharing of your research sources. It is very powerful and has become indispensable in my research work.

A very nice feature is the option to store your citations online and share them with others. Continue reading “Sharing libraries in Zotero”