GRASS GIS Jupyter notebooks

A great source of information about GRASS GIS is the GRASS Wiki. One example is this list with GRASS GIS Jupyter notebooks which was just added by Markus Neteler (no introduction needed I guess). There are some really nice tutorials there, which alone is reason enough to check out this list.

I have been using R markdown notebooks quite a lot lately, and really love how one can ‘weave together narrative text and code to produce elegantly formatted output’ (to quote the R markdown website).

I hadn’t really looked into Jupyter notebooks yet, but they are, in fact, similar to R markdown notebooks. They are documents that contain scripts and code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text, combined. As such, they are great to document your analysis and thus greatly facilitate reproducible research practices.

They are also great as educational tool. A teacher can easily share explanatory text, code and outputs. The student can then run all of part of the code, but also change a small portion of some code and observe the results. 

Anyway, have a look and if you have created some GRASS GIS notebooks, please share them and add them to the list!


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